A downloadable game for Windows

Traction Control is a downhill exploration racer where only some of the laws of physics apply.  Drift, jump, flip, boost, roll, and grind in a skate-park for cars. 

We currently have 5 unique cars which facilitate a wide range of play styles. Cars have different speeds, jump heights, and handling parameters. Whether you are breaking land speed records or setting high scores there's a car model for you!

Traction Control features two types of levels. Linear levels used for racing and freestyle competition, and skatepark inspired sandbox style levels. Levels are packed with obstacles to master and new routes to discover! All levels can be explored in free play and comes complete with a unique set of challenges to complete and paint jobs to unlock! In the latest alpha build, there are 4 linear levels and one skatepark sandbox. 

Completing challenges earns car paint jobs, which can be applied to every car. Easy challenges are a great place to start, but players who want to complete the toughest challenges will have to master the controls. Ring challenges offer a way to practice your driving, uncover new routes and unlock the most unique paint jobs.

[Traction Control: Skateboarding with Cars is no longer receiving updates, and no longer supports online features. Development has shifted to the Steam version]

Latest Version: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1866610/Traction_Control/

Join our discord: https://discord.gg/QKwb9V6h6p

Support us: https://www.patreon.com/sailboatstudios


Traction Control v0.7.5 Windows 409 MB

Install instructions

Controller recommended.

Development log


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I love everything about this game. Great job, and thank you.

Deleted 1 year ago

Thanks for the feature ! <3


the art style is great,KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!


Awesome game. Feels like rocket league but pretty cool in it's own way. Looking forward to play the final release.


THIS IS AMAZING!!!! It's a shame that there are no lobbys online right now, but I'll try to get my friends to play hahaha Saved and followed to get to know your work!


I made an account just to comment about this! So, you know how they say you should make sure the basics of your game should be fun, before you add too much content. Well, I assure you that this is 100% fun. It could use a little more finetuning and smoothening out but this is honestly so much fun!

(and ze art looks cool)


This looks dope! Will this be released on Steam eventually? When approx. can I wishlist it?

Hey! We are actively working on getting a steam page together, so it shouldnt be long. We have a discord that all of our announcements travel through, but of course we will also post on any of our socials, including itch, about when that time comes :)


Nice, thank you! :-) I wish you the best of success with your game! I think it has much potential to be a very good fun arcade racer!

Finally got there


amazing game, hope we see some more cars soon


yes      :)


This game is awesome! If only I can get on steam...


Great game, had a lot of fun with it but just can't seem to figure out how to join the same map as my friend. Whenever we try multiplayer we are in the same server but not in the same map.

Hey, sorry to hear that. My hope is that this has something to do with some testing we were running over the weekend for our update today. Hopeflly the issue is fixed now, but if not, please do let us know


Pretty fun. Some small things:

Sometimes your rotation doesn't seem to be reset when you restart a challenge. I've ended up facing 90 degrees at the start line.

Not sure if it's different on controller, but on Keyboard, since the air controls and ground controls are the same, it's kind of annoying to have to immediately lift to keep from nose diving every time you catch a bit of air. Would it be possible to have an option to control them separately?

Hey Kyle, you actually can rebind the controls for keyboard in the options menu. Just set steer-vertical to something other  than accelerate


Hi! The game is great!, I was able to get an excellent framerate and didn't experience any bugs! Obviously this isn't a commercially ready product yet but it is very nearly there. Don't understand some of the negative comments here. Good job, keep up the great work.


Thanks! To the credit of the negative comments, the game has come a long way since the last build!

Deleted 313 days ago

Thanks for checking out the game! We're currently addressing a lot of the problems you mentioned, so stay tuned for the next update.



How can we make it 10/10?


Low Optimalization, Many Bugs (Like a Invisible Car), Really Low Engine Quality. Idea is Amazing but Game is Terrible


Thank you for the feedback - we're working on addressing many of those issues so stay tuned for updates. 


Only just dipped my toe in this so far but having a lot of fun with it! Great graphics too.


Thanks for checking it out and that's great to hear! 


This game has so much potential in it's best moments it's already very fun so good job :)

Here's some critic:

The Steering is very confusing by just moving the left trigger different things can happen 1. the car beginns to drift 2. The car steers slightly but not enough so you end up driving in a tree 3. The car actually does a normal turn. It's a normal thing that the car reacts differently to different circumstances but in my experience it happened very unexpected and i didn't feel in control of the car

Same thing for rolling the car left or right and drifting. When Drifting I also noticed that the car sometimes stops to steer completely.

The tracks are build interesting but often the streets are very thin especially with controlls like these they can get very frustrating. Also at some points I was slightly confused at first where to go. Maybe at critical points there could be signs with arrows.

The overall graphics are ok the cell shading is a good idea and I like the concept of most levels (gameplaywise and visually) right now it's a bit barebones but It's probably not a priority at this stage of development. In fuure it would be awesome if you experimented with different foliage and lighting effects :).

The menu navigation is a bit weird with a controller right now some things can only be done with mouse and keybord. Also it would be great if the "back" option could always be triggered with the b button (on xbox)

I hope I wasn't unfriendly with all my critique overall I am really looking forward to how this game progresses


Thanks for the feedback! We're hard at work improving the game so stay tuned for updates! 


this game is ridiculously fun 10/10


We're happy you enjoy it! Let us know if there's anything we can do to make it 11/10


This game is so stupid and ridiculous and I love it.

Thanks for checking it out and we're happy you enjoyed it! 


Driving is hard

Thanks for making the video!


quick comment as i didn't play much (car games aren't really my thing)

i couldn't figure out a way to do quick turns, the turning angle is too wide to do them, slowing down doesn't seem to help, and i couldn't figure out a way to drift without jumping first, which didn't seem like a good idea.

felt a bit too loose when going into the air, like i was completely out of control (maybe intentional)

menus could do with some work (pressing b doesn't go back) and tutorial shows keyboard instead of controller

other than that, nice style and the game felt good.


Thank you for checking it out and the feedback! 


Hi, I've made a video about the game :D and I wanted to share some feedback about it, hopefully it is useful to you :)

-The main concept and gamemodes on the game are quite well thought and very fun.

-The main gameplay mechanics are very good and give a pretty solid gameplay experience, the only thing I would change is the fact that sometimes while doing some turns at high speeds it feels that you lose a lot of control over the car more than you should do.

-The visual style caught my attention, polishing it a little bit, adding some visual effects here and there, and some small extra details and it would be awesome.

-I can see this game, if you ad more content, selling well at steam (for example) as it is quite good as it is, and as I said before it is a very solid and fun game.

In conclusion, the idea is great and I hope you keep working on it. Hopefully this is useful for the development :D, also if you could subscribe that would help me a lot :)



Thank you for the video and feedback!


you are welcome :D